Your City, Your CityBuddy
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Recently launched in Nottingham!
CityBuddy is the app that makes it easier to organise social events. Create events with your friends or join public social events to meet new people.
Find events near you
Find and create casual social events in Nottingham.
Star your favourite activities for instant notifications on upcoming events.
Confidently join events knowing others are committed – no more last-minute cancellations!
Meet new people
Dive into a world of in-person events with people who share your passions.
Transform acquaintances into friends, by inviting them to new events.
Chat with your new friends, after the event keeping the conversation flowing.
Organise your squad
Create your own exclusive group and organise private events.
Easily organise and attend events, making memories that last a lifetime.
Split costs among attendees.
Join for free
And meet new people
Let's Get In Touch!
Have you got something you want to tell us?
[email protected]